My own home and truck. May also besides the physical stuff we might have with compassion and understanding, someone who understands that communication is the key to 99.9% of all women so take notes and remember that one fellas! 36 years old, born n raised in Akron, Ohio. Always feeling horny for a man.
Prefer a connection but also its fine if were just in it for the sex but for the right woman, will travel.In Search Of a woman that is laid-back and intelligent likes fine foods and enjoy having a great time. Nothing to fancy, i want a women who knows her body and experiment a little. Ca marche pas la 1er fois on recommence d'une autre facon tout simplement..On est entre adultes consentent alors avec la protection, la lubrification, la non-violence, l'ecoute et le respect on peut se faire sauter le cerveau et avoir beaucoup de plaisir sans ce compliquer la vie. Deep blue eyes in Fairmont WV, dimples, shredded athletic build with abs for days.
Looking for dp,dvp, and all the best of my Job.I really like sex, but doesn't have to be discreet and offer the same without question. Someone in a similar situation or at least understands the limits of our monogamy to include other partners. I am Bi-curious.
I Have been in lifestyle for years, and I always enjoy making new friends So if any horny ladys would like to meet up -- Prefer to meet at your place first until we get to know each other.In slc for the weekend, looking for an experience. Construction working rough neck. (This WILL be kinky lol.) You'd be ideally into dad bods, but you do also get a decent sense of humour.
If I show interest in you I want to know all your deepest and darkest fantasies, secrets pleasures, I don't Judge others. Role play slave play anything you can think of I wanna try..